此页面上的信息与我们2023年夏季厄瓜多尔之旅有关. Our next tour will be May 2025 and will have similar topics, 所以请随意浏览这个网站,如果你有兴趣参加我们的2025之旅,请告诉我们!

Aerial View of Banos, Ecuador

On Campus Lectures: May 8-9


基多, 北部高地, 亚马逊丛林, Banos, Guamote, Ingapirca, 昆卡, 瓜亚基尔, Puerto洛佩兹, 和更多的!


本科: 6 credits of tuition + $500 tour fee
研究生: 4 credits of tuition + $750 tour fee
客人s (taking no classes): $3,500 + airfare

学生 may apply subsidies, grants, loans etc. 请联系您的财务顾问,了解您的财务援助将涵盖的具体细节.



The following are the courses offered as a part of the tour package. 大多数本科生修6个学分,研究生修4个学分, however arrangements may be made for a different number of credits. 请联系艾丽卡Bradfield了解更多信息或潜在的替代课程. 以客人身份参加(不参加课程)者将登记为嘉宾参加者.

点击这里 for a table about how PSYC355 can apply to your major

联系 & 报名

If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact:
社会学院 & 行为科学 Department, Buller Hall 211

ITINERARY (Subject to Change)

Click on each day to see more information


AU bus to Grand Rapids Airport for our flights to 基多, Ecuador. Evening arrival and transfer to hotel. 在基多过夜.

包括餐: 晚餐(动态)

Tulipe Archaeological Site
Tulipe Archaeological Site

在酒店享用早餐,然后乘车前往明都和云雾森林. 云雾森林是一个生物多样性的地区,是数百种鸟类的家园, 蝴蝶, 和植物. 我们将参观 Tulipe Archaeological Site它是公元800年至1660年居住在基多周围地区的Yumbo人的家园. 接下来我们将参观a 可可工匠工厂 to lean about the process of creating chocolate. Finally we will stop to see hummingbirds and orchids它通常被认为是世界上最古老的植物,然后返回我们在基多的酒店.

包括餐: 早餐、午餐

Dr. 伯内特和一只猴子

早餐在酒店,然后驱车前往基多北部的因巴布拉省. Here we will learn about the Otavalo社区在西班牙征服之前,这里就以纺织品和编织图案闻名于世. 抵达 Peguche,我们将参观两个 工匠中心 一个是学习编织的过程,另一个是学习安第斯的乐器,比如排箫, 鼓, 和吉他. 在基多过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐

People in a boat on the Napo River

在旅馆吃早餐,然后乘早班车从安第斯山脉下山, down into the Amazon jungle basin. 到达后 Misahualli, we will board the boat which will take us to our Jungle lodge. After lunch, we will re board the boat to head up the 纳波河 to learn about the traps and medicinal plans used by the local inhabitants. 丛林之夜.


套餐包括: 早餐、午餐、 & 晚餐

鹦鹉 在 trees and a group of people on a balsa wood raft
鹦鹉 & 巴尔沙漂流

在亚马逊期间,我们将通过各种活动体验丛林生活 雨林走 with a guide explaining the Quichua use of plants; a float down the river on a 轻木筏 to learn about the transportation methods of the river; a visit to a Quichua家庭 to learn about the production of Chica and traditional blowgun use; visits to ceramics and woodcraft workshops; walks to overlooks to see the river and villages; relaxing 油管的旅行 down the river; local 农业旅游; Cayman spotting at 伊斯拉蟒蛇; and a visit to AmaZoonico, a refuge for confiscated and injured 动物. Overnights at the Jungle lodge.

套餐包括: 早餐、午餐、 & 晚餐


Departing the Jungle, we will take a bus to Banos 在这里停一下 Puyo车 to better understand the use of Balsa before visiting an 兰花园. Upon reaching Banos and checking in to our hotel, the rest of the afternoon will be free time to explore in small groups. Banos是户外和冒险旅行者的共同目的地,以其大量的瀑布而闻名, 独特的景观, 温暖的气候. 在Banos过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐


在酒店吃完早餐后,我们出发去探索该地区令人印象深刻的瀑布. 恶魔之殿 (魔鬼的大锅), 从大约100英尺的高度落入一个类似大锅的小区域,然后流入亚马逊盆地. We’ll also have the chance to take a cable car to see 曼托·德·诺维亚 (Bride’s Veil), a 132 foot double waterfall.

Leaving Banos along the Pan-America highway we will see 钦博拉索, 差不多15,500英尺高的不活跃的火山,它的顶峰被认为是离地球中心最远的点,因为它靠近赤道. 到达庄园后,我们将享用一顿熔岩晚餐,然后放松一下. 在Riobamba过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐、午餐、 & 晚餐

Locals perusing the wares at the Guamote市场

Departing Riobamba, we will arrive at Guamote which is famous for its Thursday market, 挤满了穿着五颜六色的当地人,展示着不同种类的土豆, 蔬菜, 水果, 动物, 服装, 篮子, 还有其他当地特产. 这个市场, instead of being a tourist market, 对当地人来说,这是一个买卖的机会,也是一个了解社区习俗和传统的好机会吗. After the market we will travel on to Ingapirca. 在Ingapirca过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐、午餐、 & 晚餐

Ingapirca(上) & 昆卡

上午参观 Ingapirca, the largest Incan ruins in Ecuador. Ingapirca坐落在Cañari人定居的地区,他们拒绝被印加人征服. 最终印加人和Cañari和平共处,天文台在印加华依那Capac下建成. Though the purpose of the castle complex of Ingapirca is uncertain, the ruins are an excellent example of Incan mortarless stone construction.

In the afternoon, we will tour the colonial area of 昆卡, a UNESCO world Cultural Site, and some of the 工匠中心 famous for the Panama hat, 金银首饰, 和刺绣. 在昆卡过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐

A lake at 卡哈斯国家公园 with a mountain 在 background

After breakfast at the hotel, we will spend the day at 卡哈斯国家公园, 以páramo植被为特征的丘陵和山谷的锯齿状景观, 这种生态系统只存在于安第斯山脉的树带界线和永久雪线之间.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐

a group of women weaving Toquilla Straw Hats
Weaving Toquilla Straw Hats

我们将游览昆卡周围的山谷,探索该地区有才华的工匠和作坊. In Sig团体, we will learn about the making of Toquilla Straw Hats, 被联合国教科文组织列为厄瓜多尔非物质文化遗产的一部分. 搬到 Gualeceo, we’ll learn about Ikat cotton weavings, called ‘Macanas’. 最后,在 圣Bartolome we will visit the workshop of artisans who make guitars by hand. Upon return to 昆卡, we will visit a local Jewelry workshop. 在昆卡过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐


早餐在酒店,然后乘坐巴士穿过全景南部高地. 当我们进入低地时,我们将开始看到香蕉种植园, 热带水果, 和可可. Along the way, we will visit the Cumanda Agroturistic牧场 学习种植可可豆和制作巧克力的过程. 我们还将有机会品尝农场种植的热带水果. 抵达瓜亚基尔,我们将入住酒店,然后享受一些自由时间去探索 瓜亚基尔. 在瓜亚基尔过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐


Departing from 瓜亚基尔, we will drive the 太阳之路 into the coastal region of Ecuador. Along the way, we will visit the 阿瓜布兰卡社区 which showcases the pre-Columbian cultures of the Ecuadorian Coast. 我们也会停在 洛斯弗雷斯海滩Machalilla National park to take 在 beautiful coastline. Overnight in Puerto洛佩兹.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐

Blue Footed Booobie bird standing on a rock over the ocean
Blue Footed Boobie at 拉普拉塔岛

After breakfast, we’ll board the motorboat that will take us out to 拉普拉塔岛 在 Machalilla National Park. Often referred to as ‘the other Galapagos’, the island is a paradise for birds, 乌龟, 鲸鱼, 螃蟹, 和其他野生动物. The group will be able to participate in hiking and snorkeling activities. 返回大陆后,我们将前往曼塔机场,乘坐短途航班前往基多. 在基多过夜.

套餐包括: 早餐 & 午餐

基多(上) & 赤道纪念碑

After breakfast, we’ll begin out tour of 基多’s Historical Center, 它是拉丁美洲最大、保存最完好的历史中心,也是世界上第一个被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产的城市. We’ll have the chance to visit 格兰德广场 and see important buildings such as the 大主教的宫殿, The Metropolitan Cathedral, 政府宫殿, examples of colonial art, and El Panecillo山.

After lunch, we will head just north of 基多 to visit the 赤道纪念碑它标志着北极和南极之间的中点 Intinan博物馆 to explore Andean astronomy and cultural traditions. 在晚上,我们将转移到机场过夜返回美国的航班.

套餐包括: 早餐、午餐、 & 晚餐 (late evening, in-flight)


包括餐: Snacks provided in-flight
